RBT: .001 USD

I helped to invent Bitcoin in Santa Barbara in 2007, specifically a decentralized file system called Blockchain, and there are people who are trying to murder me. So far they have murdered my mother, step father and most recently my business partner and good friend, Gonsalo Acuna. They have made 5 attempts to assassinate me, most recently, they attacked me physically using a new weapon called an SOS that did damage to my internal organs. I have tried to warn the president of Mexico, but whoever is trying to kill me, is paying the police of Mexico, my new home, to follow me everywhere that I go 24/7. All of you hardcore Bitcoiners can "fake-toshi" me all you want, kill me off, make memes and the like, but I may not be around much longer to help you if you do. This is very serious, and Bill Gates and others are gunning hard to take over Bitcoin. I could help our movement to survive, if I can just figure out how to survive myself! Anyone who tries directly to assist me gets harassed, destroyed and murdered. I am hoping that this website, set up and running in Hong Kong, and decentralized finance will help to save my life. Thank you for whatever assistance you can provide, and please be careful if you do wish to assist me.